Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop

PageLines is a drag & drop framework that allows you to completely customize your website with drag & drop.
Responsive & Mobile

Responsive & Mobile

Built from the ground up to look great on mobile devices. PageLines utilizes an advanced responsive framework.
Tons of Addons

Tons of Addons

Load up your own sections, themes and plugins using PageLines' one of a kind extension marketplace.

The IT Support and Service You Need to Grow Your Business

Technology and digital information is more essential than ever in running a business in New England – but for small companies, it’s difficult (and costly) to build, manage, and support your IT in-house. At Global MITS, we recognize the challenges you face and can help you improve your IT with affordable managed IT services. We’ll help your business save time and money while providing you excellent service and tech support.

We work with each of our clients individually to recognize needs and provide personalized strategy, implementation and IT support that improve their business’ technology performance and assure business continuity. Seeking to outsource your IT management and tech support? Want to enhance the infrastructure you presently have? Our managed IT service professionals will work with you to put together a package that meets your needs – and you’ll only get and pay for the services you want.

Our skilled IT professionals, engineers and tech support staff are experienced in a wide variety of industries and IT needs. We can help anticipate problems and respond quickly when the need arises.

Along the way, we’ll answer any questions you have and supply tech support when you need it. And our programs are flexible, with options to grow, add or change capabilities. We’ll help you get improved results from your IT systems, saving you time, money and hassle while your business grows.

Contact us today to find out how managed IT services can help your business achieve your goals.